8 Most Beautiful Tradescantias to Grow in Water

Suyash is a Master Gardener and the Editorial and Strategy Director at BalconyGardenWeb.com. With a focus on houseplant care, he combines over a decade of hands-on horticultural experience with editorial expertise to guide and educate plant enthusiasts.
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Here are the gorgeous Tradescantias to Grow in Water for that colorful trailing appeal indoors in a tight space!

Spiderworts are one of the most beautiful trailing plants for tight spaces! They are easy to maintain and look spectacular with their vivid colors. Here are some great Tradescantias to Grow in Water for those seeking a touch of greenery with minimal fuss!

Learn all about growing Tradescantia in water here 

Best Tradescantias to Grow in Water

1. Wandering Jew

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Botanical name: Tradescantia zebrina

This is one of the most popular varieties for water propagation. Its vibrant green and purple trailing vines create an elegant cascade, making it a visually appealing choice!

Read about Wandering Jew Care in this Post

2. Inch Plant


Botanical Name: Tradescantia fluminensis

With its lush green leaves, this one adds a refreshing touch to indoor spaces. This creates a graceful trailing effect when grown in jars and vases.

3. Purple Heart


Botanical Name: Tradescantia pallida

Popular for its striking purple foliage, Purple Heart is a hardy Tradescantia variety that thrives in water and does well in indirect light with minimal fuss.

How to Grow Beautiful Purple Heart Plant in Water

4. Spiderwort

Botanical Name: Tradescantia albiflora

Spiderwort has attractive, sword-like leaves; the plant does remarkably well in water. All you have to do is ensure the leaves never come in contact with water for longer periods.

5. Moses in the Cradle

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Botanical Name: Tradescantia spathacea

Featuring attractive, boat-like leaves with contrasting shades of green and purple, this plant gives an exotic look to water gardens indoors.

Fun fact: In Vietnam, these plants are used against illnesses like cough and other symptoms associated with bleeding. Here’s a research to know more!

6. White Velvet

Our Green Garden

Botanical Name: Tradescantia sillamontana

With fuzzy, silvery-white leaves, the White Velvet is an eye-catching choice if you’re looking for a water plant! In summer, clusters of small, bright purple-pink flowers grow for about a month.

7. Lilac Tradescantia

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Botanical Name: Tradescantia cerinthoides

Lilac Tradescantia grows excellently in containers and trails long enough for hanging baskets. These feature delicate green leaves with a hint of lilac on the undersides. Just keep the soil moist but never too wet.

8. Fantasy Venice

life_with_the_huntleysBotanical Name: Tradescantia nanouk

Classy and elegant, this one is for those who like the best-trailing plant for the shelf or tabletops. It has a lighter shade of pink, white, and green on the foliage.

If you’re interested in Growing Fantasy Venice, we have just the blog for you!

Some Quick Tips to Keep the Plants Healthy in Water

  • Place the container in a spot with bright, indirect sunlight. Avoid direct sunlight to prevent leaf burn.
  • Remove any yellow or dead leaves promptly.
  • Change water every 4-6 days and use a non-chlorinated one.
  • Using a transparent vase would be a good idea as it will help you see the development and condition of roots. It will also show you the water condition (Cloudy/Clear).
  • Increase humid levels for a bushier growth.
  • Provide diluted fertilizer occasionally to supplement nutrients.
  • Regularly clean the container and remove any algae buildup.

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