32 Best Bell Shaped Flowers | Flowers that Look Like Bells

Raul Cornelius is a Senior Editor at BalconyGardenWeb and an expert in flower and herb cultivation based in Phoenix, Arizona. A frequent speaker at horticultural events, he is also an active contributor to Facebook flower groups. Holding an MBA and a BCom, Raul blends his gardening skills with strong leadership and analytical abilities. Passionate about writing and photography, he enjoys early mornings with coffee and books, and nature bike rides during weekends.
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Pick the Best Bell-Shaped Flowers for your garden to add an elegant floral touch while enjoying a rewarding color show!

Read on to find the Best Bell-Shaped Flowers for your garden and home from our compiled list. Also, know why you may want to grow these stunning Flowers that Look Like Bells.

Check out these night-blooming fragrant flowers with strong scents here

Why Grow Bell-Shaped Flowers?

The simple bell shape looks appealing to the eye and also stands for the Christmas spirit. They can add different shapes, textures, and bright colors to offset other flowers.

You can intersperse these with other flowers to bring more interest to the garden. Choose to grow them in containers, hanging baskets, and garden beds. 

Best Bell-Shaped Flowers

1. Persian Lilies

Best Bell-Shaped Flowers

Botanical Name: Fritillaria persica

You can find this bell-shaped flower in unique shades of green, deep red, deep purple, and ivory. This plant is also resistant to rabbits and deer.

Check out the best ornamental shade-loving plants here

2. Canterbury Bells


Botanical Name: Campanula medium

Canterbury Bells grow clusters of flowers in purple, pink, and orange shades, known as inflorescence. It has a long blooming period and attracts butterflies and bees to the garden.

Check out the best fragrant houseplants you can grow

3. Grape Hyacinths

Best Bell-Shaped Flowers 2

Botanical Name: Muscari armeniacum

The beautiful flowers of Grape Hyacinths can add drama, color, and texture to your garden. The rich shades of blue-purple can make them look mesmerizing.

4. Mountain Laurel


Botanical Name: Kalmia latifolia

Mountain Laurel, also called the Calico Bush, is a gorgeous flowering species that produces plenty of tiny bell-shaped flowers in white. It thrives best in all-day indirect light.

Check out some amazing bell-shaped flowers here

5. Foxgloves

Best Bell-Shaped Flowers 3

Botanical Name: Digitalis

Grow Foxgloves for their bell-shaped flowers in purple, white, yellow, or pink shades. Each blossom changes its shade as it fades, creating a stunning ombre effect.

6. Angel’s Trumpet


Botanical Name: Brugmansia

If you want to create a dramatic effect, grow Angel’s Trumpets that are stunning to behold. The bell-shaped fragrant flowers can also raise your privacy in the yard.

7. Korean Bellflower

Best Bell-Shaped Flowers 4

Botanical Name: Platycodon grandiflorus

Korean Bellflowers can instantly make heads turn. Grow this low-maintenance plant for its attractive, drooping, satiny-creamy, lilac-pink-colored bell-shaped flowers in the garden.

8. Beard Tongue


Botanical Name: Penstemon

Penstemon can never fail to amaze you with its bell-shaped flowers in a wide range of colors, including white, blue, red, rose, purple, and bi-color.

9. Lily of the Valley                                                                                    Best Bell-Shaped Flowers 5

Botanical Name: Convallaria majalis

Grow Lily of the Valley for its pretty, fragrant, classic, white, or pink, bell-shaped flowers dangling from stems like pendants in spring.

Here are the best types of lilies you can grow 

10. Bluebells


Botanical Name: Hyacinthoides

If you want downward-drooping, purple, bell-shaped flowers, you can grow Bluebells in your garden. Pollinators love this plant that prefers to grow in shaded woodland gardens.

11. White Mountain Heather

Best Bell-Shaped Flowers 6

Botanical Name: Cassiope mertensiana

White Mountain Heather looks similar to Lily of the Valley and can be grown for several reasons. The white bell flowers look spectacular with the red calyxes.

12. Guinea Hen Flowers


Botanical Name: Fritillaria meleagris

Guinea Hen flowers present a unique look to your garden in shades of pink, red, white, or purple. It grows best in the combination of well-draining soil and indirect light.

13. Peach-Leaved Bellflowers

Best Bell-Shaped Flowers 7

Botanical Name: Campanula persicifolia

Peach-Leaved Bellflowers can look stunning against any shorter plants, with unusual leaves resembling peach tree leaves. It is deer-resistant, and pests do not attack it too.

14. Virginia Bluebells


Botanical Name: Mertensia virginica

This plant can grow up to 2-4 feet tall with purple bell-shaped flowers and gray-green leaves. Keep it in 3-4 hours of sunlight daily for best blooms.

15. Coral Bells

32 Best Bell Shaped Flowers | Flowers that Look Like Bells 8

Botanical Name: Heuchera

Coral Bells or Alumroots belong to the genus Heuchera, and there are over 35 species in this family to choose from. Bees and butterflies love the bell-shaped beautiful flowers.

16. Snowdrops


Botanical Name: Galanthus

The tiny, bell-shaped white flowers droop like snowdrops, hence the name. Make sure it gets plenty of indirect light all day long for the best growth.

Find out the best white flower varieties here

17. Snowdrop Tree

Best Bell-Shaped Flowers 9

Botanical Name: Halesia tetraptera

A Snowdrop Tree is an actual tree that can reach up to 50-80 feet on maturity and produce bell-shaped flowers. It can continue to bloom for almost 100 years!

18. Bells of Ireland

Botanical Name: Moluccella laevis

You can grow Bells of Ireland as it is a low-maintenance plant that can thrive well in various climatic conditions. The unusual pale-emerald green, bell-shaped flowers look unique!

19. Twinflowers

Best Bell-Shaped Flowers 10

Botanical Name: Linnaea borealis

A pair of bell-shaped flowers growing on each stem drooping downward and in opposite directions can make this an attractive addition to your garden.

20. Daffodil


Botanical Name: Narcissus pseudonarcissus

Grow cheerful, bright, bell-shaped Daffodils to add a dash of color to your garden in early spring and late winter. Pick from shades, including yellow, peach, and white.

Here are some of the best yellow flowers 

21. Swamp Doghobble

Best Bell-Shaped Flowers 11

Botanical Name: Eubotrys racemosus

Enhance your privacy in the yard with these bell-shaped flowers that are unique. The plant produces rows of white-pink bell-shaped blooms and is not prone to diseases.

22. Tulips


Botanical Name: Tulipa

With huge bell-shaped flowers that grow directly upward, it can be a spectacular view to watch them fill your garden with vibrant blossoms.

23. Common Columbine

Best Bell-Shaped Flowers 12

Botanical Name: Aquilegia vulgaris

Common Columbine or Aquilegia, Granny’s Bonner, or Granny’s Nightcap is native to Europe. This bell-shaped, pink, white, or violet flowering perennial looks pretty anywhere!

24. Spring Snowflake


Botanical Name: Leucojum vernum

Spring Snowflake is another white-colored dangling bell-shaped flowering plant that blooms in spring. This bulbous perennial loves to grow in full sunlight to part shade.

25. Dalmatian Bellflower

32 Best Bell Shaped Flowers | Flowers that Look Like Bells 13

Botanical Name: Campanula portenschlagiana

Dalmatian Bellflower is an evergreen perennial plant that produces deep lavender purple-colored bell-shaped blooms. It also looks great in hanging baskets.

26. Fuschia


Botanical Name: Fuchsia

Growing this lovely, tender perennial in shades of purple, white, red, or pink produces bell-shaped flowers. It is perfect for hanging baskets or containers indoors.

27. Stinking Hellebore

Best Bell-Shaped Flowers 14

Botanical Name: Helleborus foetidus

This bell-shaped flowering plant produces a powerful odor whenever the leaves are crushed hence the name. However, do not allow this to stop you from growing this gorgeous plant!

Find out the best Hellebores varieties here

28. Casa Blanca


Botanical Name: Lilium ‘Casa Blanca’

With purple-red, pink, white, bell-shaped flowers, Casa Blanca does really well in indirect light, which makes it perfect for growing indoors too.

29. Amaryllis

32 Best Bell Shaped Flowers | Flowers that Look Like Bells 15

Botanical Name: Amaryllis

You can find this beautiful bell-shaped flower in shades of red, yellow, purple, white, and orange. Grow it in well-draining soil and indirect light.

30. Million Bells


Botanical Name: Calibrachoa spp.

Calibrachoa looks best in containers, hanging baskets, or cascading planters and is a popular choice for bouquets. These bell-shaped flowers make it simply beautiful!

31. Cowberry

32 Best Bell Shaped Flowers | Flowers that Look Like Bells 16

Botanical Name: Vaccinium vitis-idaea

Cowberry belongs to a genus that includes over 400 species of flowering plants that produce flowers in shades of light pink to white that look like bells.

32. Kaffir Lily


Botanical Name: Clivia

Kaffir Lily is one of the most stunning flowers of spring that puts on a vibrant display of colors and beauty. The bell-shaped blooms come in shades of red, orange, and yellow.

Find out your birth month flowers with their meaning here

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