Have a look at Rare and Unique Orchids Around the World! Some of these are so strange, that they’ll make you go – Wow!
We have compiled an exclusive list of the most Rare and Unique Orchids Around the World! You are in for a surprise!
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Rare and Unique Orchids Around the World
1. Western Prairie Fringed Orchid
Botanical Name: Platanthera praeclara
This rare orchid can be found in only five states in the American midwest. Just 172 populations of these species remain in the world, and only four have more than 1000 plants. This wetland plant thrives in ‘prairie potholes.
2. Western Underground Orchid
Botanical Name: Rhizanthella gardneri
This orchid is quite rare; according to scientists, there are less than 50 plants present in the world. Its territory is the broom bush scrubland of Western Australia; it lives its whole life below ground. The flowers appear from late May to early June underground.
Fact: Due to its subterranean existence, this orchid depends on gnats and termites for pollination.
3. Rothschild’s Orchid
Botanical Name: Paphiopedilum rothschildianum
Also known as the Gold of Kinabalu Orchid, this large-leafed member of the Orchidaceae family produces six lively, tiger-striped blooms.
This rare orchid was found in Northern Borneo in the rainforest of Mount Kinabalu. The blooms display red and green striped petals.
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4. Shenzhen Nongke Orchid

Botanical Name: Shenzhen Nongke
This rare orchid was designed in a Chinese laboratory by agricultural scientists. The name was derived from Shenzhen Nongke University. The flower was crafted in eight years, and in 4-5 years, each flower was produced.
5. Ghost Orchid
Botanical Name: Dendrophylax lindenii
The ghost Orchid is a rare variety from Florida, the Bahamas, and Cuba. It loves to grow on the branches of apple trees; the flowers appear between June and August, with up to 1-10 scented white blooms open one at a time.
6. Butterfly Orchid
Botanical Name: Platanthera azorica
Scientists rediscovered this highly rare species in 2013 on the Azorean island of Sao Jorge, located in the North Atlantic Ocean. Hochstetter’s Butterfly Orchid is one of three types of butterfly orchids that belong to the island.
7. Dragon’s Mouth
Botanical Name: Arethusa bulbosa
Another rare orchid thrives in the bogs, wet lowlands, and swamps of Eastern North America, from Manitoba to Virginia. This leafless orchid blooms during spring and produces scented single pink flowers.
Note: Dragon’s mouth is recorded as globally secure but still threatened in North America.
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8. Hawaii Bog Orchid
Botanical Name: Peristylus holochila
This is one of three varieties found in Hawaii and displays yellow-green blooms on erect stems with contrasting pale green, egg-shaped foliage.
It exists in bogs secured by wild pigs through fences. Apart from pigs, the biggest risks are hurricanes, cattle grazing, and invasive plants.
9. Coleman’s Coral Root
Botanical Name: Hexalectris colemanii
Coleman’s Coral Root lives below ground and does not use photosynthesis. An interdependent bond with fungus allows it to populate the roots of shrubs and trees.
The risks to this flower include cattle grazing and humans who mistakenly stamp the delicate flowers and mining actions.
10. Sky-Blue Sun Orchid
Botanical Name: Thelymitra jonesii
This rare, severely threatened orchid plant has noted populations in South Australia, Tasmania, and Victoria. The total count was evaluated at less than 60 individuals.
The threat to this orchid remains the loss of habitat.
11. Yellow Lady’s Slipper Orchid
Botanical Name: Cypripedium parviflorum
Yellow Lady’s Slipper Orchid name is derived from the pretty pouch blooms which look like slippers or shoes.
This rare orchid is classified as critically endangered in the Red List of Great Britain, listed under Appendix II of the Bern Convention and Annexes II and IV of the Habitats Directives, and Appendix II of CITES.
12. Lawn Orchid
Botanical Name: Zeuxine strateumatica
This critically endangered rare orchid has a current estimated population of about 18. It was rediscovered in the wild in 2010; this species was threatened by extensive construction in the area.
The researchers collected three specimens and took them back to the botanical garden of St. Joseph’s college in Kozhikode, Kerala, India.
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13. Paphiopedilum Orchid
Botanical Name: Helenae Paphiopedilum
This rare endangered orchid population has been reduced by 95% through the last three generations. It is found in Thái Nguyên province in northern Vietnam.
As per the last update in 2003, there are fewer than 50 orchids of this variety remaining.
14. Lion Orchid
Botanical Name: Dendrobium leonis (Lindl.) Rchb.f.
Dendrobium leonis, also known as the “Lion Orchid,” is a species of orchid in the genus Dendrobium. It is native to Southeast Asia and is known for its small, showy flowers that have a distinctive yellow and brown coloration.
The Lion Orchid prefers to be watered regularly but allowed to dry out slightly between waterings.
15. Donkey Orchid
Botanical Name: Diuris corymbosa
The Crowded Donkey Orchid is native to Australia and known for its distinctive yellow, brown, and white blooms that grow in clusters on tall, slender stems. The flowers are often fragrant and have a distinctive, donkey-like shape.
Want to know the secrets behind making an orchid flower? Click here
16. Bird Head Orchid
Botanical Name: Phalaenopsis ‘Bird Head’
Phalaenopsis ‘Bird Head’ is a cultivar of the Phalaenopsis orchid, a popular choice for cultivation as a houseplant. It is known for its blooms that have a distinctive pink and white coloration and a unique, bird-like look, earning the species its name.
17. Green Squid Orchid
Botanical Name: Prosthechea cochleata
A popular choice as a houseplant, the Green Squid Orchid is also known as the “Cockleshell Orchid,” and is native to the Caribbean and Central and South America.
Its showy flowers that have a distinctive white and purple coloration and a unique, coiled shape make it one of the most Rare and Unique Orchids Around the World.
18. Fly Orchid
Botanical Name: Ophrys insectifera
Native to Europe, the Fly Orchid is known for its small flowers that resemble insects and are pollinated by male bees that mistake the flowers for females.
The flowers are typically pink, purple, or brown in color and have a hairy appearance.
19. Duck Orchid
Botanical Name: Caleana major
The Flying Duck Orchid is a species of orchid native to Australia. It is known for its small, showy flowers that resemble the head and beak of a duck and grow on tall, slender stems.
The flowers are typically pink, purple, or red in color and have a distinctive, curved shape.
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20. Monkey Orchid
Botanical Name: Dracula simia
Dracula simia is a species of orchid in the genus Dracula. It is native to the cloud forests of Ecuador and Peru, where it grows on trees and rocks in humid, shady conditions.
It is known for its brilliant blossoms that have a distinctive red and black coloration and is one of the most Rare and Unique Orchids Around the World.
21. Bat Orchid
Botanical Name: Tacca chantrieri
Tacca chantrieri, also known as the “Bat Orchid,” is a species of flowering plant in the Taccaceae family. It is native to tropical regions of Southeast Asia and is known for its large, unique flowers that resemble bats.
The flowers have long, whisker-like petals that are black or dark purple in color, and they are surrounded by large, green bracts.
22. Urban’s Paphiopedilum
Botanical Name: Paphiopedilum urbanianum
Urban’s Paphiopedilum is another species of orchid in the genus Paphiopedilum which is native to the tropical rainforests of Vietnam and China.
It is known for its amazing blooms that have distinctive pink, green, and white hues with dark purple markings.
23. Liem’s Paphiopedilum
Botanical Name: Paphiopedilum liemianum
Paphiopedilum liemianum is a species of orchid in the genus Paphiopedilum. It is native to the tropical rainforests of Indonesia, where it grows on the ground in damp, shaded areas.
It is known for its beautiful flowers that have distinctive pink, purple, and white coloration.
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24. Sang’s Paphiopedilum
Botanical Name: Paphiopedilum sangii
The flowers are often fragrant and the Sang’s Paphiopedilum is a popular choice for cultivation as a houseplant, and it is generally easy to care for as long as it is provided with the right growing conditions. It prefers bright, indirect light.
25. Fairrie’s Paphiopedilum
Botanical Name: Paphiopedilum fairrieanum
Paphiopedilum fairrieanum, also known as the “Fairrie’s Paphiopedilum,” is a species of orchid in the genus Paphiopedilum and one of the most Rare and Unique Orchids Around the World.
It is native to tropical forests in Southeast Asia and is known for its showy flowers with a distinctive pink, purple, and white coloration.
26. Dancing Orchid
Botanical Name: Oncidium altissimum
The Dancing Doll orchid, also known as the “Dancing Lady” orchid, is a species native to Central and South America. It is known for its small, fragrant flowers that resemble the skirt of a lady.
The flowers have a yellow base with brown and white markings and a red or pink lip.
I cannot thank you enough for sharing these photos online. Words are not enough to express my delight over these beauties. Makes me appreciate more the greatness of God in all His creation. ♥️