Fruits and Vegetables That Looked Like Something Else

Sheri Dorn is a versatile homesteader and culinary artist with a strong focus on organic and heirloom gardening. Holding a Master's degree in Culinary Arts, she combines her love for cooking and gardening in a unique way. Sheri is an active contributor to online gardening communities and enjoys quality outdoor time with her family and pets.
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Nature is full of wonders and has its own ways when it comes to creativity. Have a look at some Fruits and Vegetables That Looked Like Something Else!

Have you come across Fruits and Vegetables That Looked Like Something Else? If you haven’t then don’t worry. Here are some weird specimens that will surely make your jaw drop!

Here are some flowers that look like things

Fruits and Vegetables That Looked Like Something Else


1. Headless Walking Carrot!

2. Tomato’s Duckling

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3. Butterfly Strawberry

4. Apple that looks like Buttocks!

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5. Buddha’s hand that fits like a Glove

6. A Romantic Potato in Shape of a Heart

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7. Potato with an Erection!

8. Tomato with a Little Penis

9. A Dancing Brinjal

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10. Thumbs Up Strawberry

11. A Finger-Shaped Potato

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12. A Seductive Radish

13. Naughty Mushrooms

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14. A Carrot that Looks like it is Having a Bath in Tub!

15. Penis Shaped Strawberry

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16. A Walking Radish

17. Butthole Fruit

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18. Vagina Pepper

19. Penis Shaped Chilli

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20. Carrots Getting Intimate

21. Chayote that Looks like a Woman’s Torso

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