Comments on: Growing Pumpkins In Containers | How To Grow Pumpkins In Pots Revamp Small Garden Sat, 14 Oct 2023 07:56:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: Donna Hoyland Sat, 18 Dec 2021 17:52:53 +0000 Thankyou for this wonderful article, I’m a total novice and only have a small front garden (with totally crappy soil that’s no good for planting ) so I’m doing everything in pots I’ve just scraped out the pumpkin seeds and I’ve got them out to air dry and prepare ready for planting in April ( I’m so excited as its really helping me with my mental health ) this article as been so helpful

By: Mufasa009 Wed, 21 Jul 2021 18:03:48 +0000 very nice n lovely

By: Jim W. Mon, 21 Jun 2021 21:33:23 +0000 Here in Florida during the summer, we get almost daily afternoon thunderstorms with hard, pelting rain which destroys the tender leaves by riving them into the ground and tearing them up. Is there any way to combat this? Also, what is the best all around pesticide to use on pumpkns?

By: Stephen Malpas Wed, 10 Jun 2020 02:18:49 +0000 In reply to Geeke.

Hi Geeke
I grow my JAP pumpkins on a trellis and removed the end of the tendrils about 30 cm after the fruit (once it has set of course). I also use a more porus soil as my pots sit over a fish pond. I then water once a day using the water from the pond. Any excess water then runs out and back into the pond.

By: Matt Orme Sat, 22 Sep 2018 13:56:57 +0000 I appreciate this article and advice very much. Thank you. I have a couple pumpkin plants in my greenhouse (Big Max and White Casper) and your tips have given me much insight on how to care for them. The main vines are both quite long now, I would say about 7-8 feet so far. They are beginning to crowd some other plants now so I’ve been concerned on how to deal with that. I’ve read a few articles on how to stop the vine growth so that they may be able to focus on fruit development over length/vine growth and most seem to say that I should cut the tips off to stop the growth and bury the end in the soil to prevent disease. My pumpkins are not in pots, they are in the ground, however I was wondering what your thoughts are. Should I cut the tips and bury the cut ends in the soil to stop their lengthwise growth? Thank you so much for your help and insight. I appreciated reading your article. Have a great and plentiful Fall season!

By: fredrick omondi agunda Thu, 21 Jun 2018 10:58:00 +0000 No you should not trim it,just leave it but those other plant you don’t want uproot them out

By: Geeke Mon, 30 Apr 2018 17:55:19 +0000 Hi,

This is very helpful!

What do I do when the plant keeps on growing? I know how big it can get.. Can I just trim it? Because I think that would kill the plant. Or can I just keep the plant grow around itself on the support sticks?

And how do I choose which fruit I want to keep and which one has to go? And can I just cut these?

Thanks in advance!
